Syntactic Analyses series

“ … the difference between ideal and real is a matter of punctuation and diction.”
[from the introduction to Common Knowledge 9:3 (Fall 2003)]

Conceived in the waning years of the last century, produced as a one-off for an exhibition in 2004, and now republished as a new open-edition set, Syntactic Analyses is modelled on ‘great-books’ series such as the Everyman’s Library. One hundred volumes of must read books, primarily covering political thought, philosophy, and history. And now available to you as a complete set (inquire for pricing) or as individual titles (direct from the online printer only, see here for details). And, of course, by direct download if that’s your preference.
For your perusal, Syntactic Analyses:

The series:

Syntactic Analyses 1: Capital, Volume 1, (Karl Marx)
Syntactic Analyses 2: The Problems of Philosophy, (Bertrand Russell)
Syntactic Analyses 3: The Social Contract, (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
Syntactic Analyses 4: Essays on Human Nature, (Arthur Schopenhauer)
Syntactic Analyses 5: The Critique of Pure Reason, (Immanuel Kant)
Syntactic Analyses 6: The Monadology, (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz)
Syntactic Analyses 7: What is Property, (P. J. Proudhon)
Syntactic Analyses 8: A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, (Mary Wollstonecraft)
Syntactic Analyses 9: Treatise on the Laws, (Cicero)
Syntactic Analyses 10: Two Treatises of Government, (John Locke)
Syntactic Analyses 11: The Nicomachean Ethics, (Aristotle)
Syntactic Analyses 12: The Analysis of Mind, (Bertrand Russell)
Syntactic Analyses 13: Questions on Political Economy, (John Stuart Mill)
Syntactic Analyses 14: The Wealth of Nations, (Adam Smith)
Syntactic Analyses 15: Matter and Memory, (Henri Bergson)
Syntactic Analyses 16: Pragmatism, (William James)
Syntactic Analyses 17: Collected Essays, (Arthur Schopenhauer)
Syntactic Analyses 18: Theory of the Leisure Class, (Thorstein Veblen)
Syntactic Analyses 19: The Society of the Spectacle, (Guy Debord)
Syntactic Analyses 20: One Dimensional Man, (Herbert Marcuse)
Syntactic Analyses 21: Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man, (Friedrich von Schiller)
Syntactic Analyses 22: Common Sense, (Thomas Paine)
Syntactic Analyses 23: An Inquiry into the Nature of Peace, (Thorstein Veblen)
Syntactic Analyses 24: The Use and Abuse of History, (Friedrich Nietzsche)
Syntactic Analyses 25: A Treatise of Human Nature, (David Hume)
Syntactic Analyses 26: Mutual Aid, (Peter Kropotkin)
Syntactic Analyses 27: Gorgias, (Plato)
Syntactic Analyses 28: The Histories, (Heredotus)
Syntactic Analyses 29: The Enemies of Books, (William Blades)
Syntactic Analyses 30: Political Economy and Taxation, (David Ricardo)
Syntactic Analyses 31: Analects, (Confucius)
Syntactic Analyses 32: The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, (Gustave le Bon)
Syntactic Analyses 33: Walden, (Henry David Thoreau)
Syntactic Analyses 34: Critique of Practical Reason, (Immanuel Kant)
Syntactic Analyses 35: Reflections of the Revolution in France, (Edmund Burke)
Syntactic Analyses 36: Collected Essays: Darwiniana, (Thomas Henry Huxley)
Syntactic Analyses 37: The Philobiblon, (Richard de Bury)
Syntactic Analyses 38: Theory of Business Enterprise, (Thorstein Veblen)
Syntactic Analyses 39: The Limits of State Action, (Wilhelm von Humboldt)
Syntactic Analyses 40: Ethics of the Dust, (John Ruskin)
Syntactic Analyses 41: An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision, (George Berkeley)
Syntactic Analyses 42: The Ethics, (Benedict de Spinoza)
Syntactic Analyses 43: The Consolation of Philosophy, (Manlius Severinus Boethius)
Syntactic Analyses 44: The Spirit of Laws, (Montesquieu)
Syntactic Analyses 45: An Essay on the Principle of Population, (Thomas Malthus)
Syntactic Analyses 46: The Rights of War and Peace, (Hugo Grotius)
Syntactic Analyses 47: The Civilisation of the Renaissance, (Jacob Burckhardt)
Syntactic Analyses 48: Human Nature and Conduct, (John Dewey)
Syntactic Analyses 49: Anarchism and Other Essays, (Emma Goldman)
Syntactic Analyses 50: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, (John Locke)
Syntactic Analyses 51: Utopia, (Thomas More)
Syntactic Analyses 52: De Anima, (Aristotle)
Syntactic Analyses 53: Democracy In America, (Alexis De Tocqueville)
Syntactic Analyses 54: The Communist Manifesto, (Karl Marx)
Syntactic Analyses 55: The Confession, (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
Syntactic Analyses 56: The Common Law, (Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.)
Syntactic Analyses 57: The Renaissance, (Walter Pater)
Syntactic Analyses 58: Democracy and Education, (John Dewey)
Syntactic Analyses 59: A Treatise on God as First Principle, (John Duns Scotus)
Syntactic Analyses 60: Les Pensées, (Blaise Pascal)
Syntactic Analyses 61: The Psychology of Revolution, (Gustave le Bon)
Syntactic Analyses 62: The Confessions, (Augustine)
Syntactic Analyses 63: The Physiology of Taste, (Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin)
Syntactic Analyses 64: Discourse on Inequality, (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
Syntactic Analyses 65: The Interpretation of Dreams , (Sigmund Freud)
Syntactic Analyses 66: Political Ideals, (Bertrand Russell)
Syntactic Analyses 67: A Theologico-Political Treatise, (Benedict de Spinoza)
Syntactic Analyses 68: The Meaning of Truth, (William James)
Syntactic Analyses 69: Tractata, (Ibn Rushd (Averroes))
Syntactic Analyses 70: Utilitarianism, (John Stuart Mill)
Syntactic Analyses 71: Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, (Ludwig Wittgenstein)
Syntactic Analyses 72: The Descent of Man, (Charles Darwin)
Syntactic Analyses 73: Emile, or Education, (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
Syntactic Analyses 74: The Phenomenology of Spirit, (G. W. F. Hegel)
Syntactic Analyses 75: The Prince (and other writings), (Nicolo Machiavelli)
Syntactic Analyses 76: The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, (Karl Marx)
Syntactic Analyses 77: Letters on England, (Voltaire)
Syntactic Analyses 78: Elements of Packing, (Jeremy Bentham)
Syntactic Analyses 79: Selections from the Principles of Philosophy, (René Descartes)
Syntactic Analyses 80: The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, (Sigmund Freud)
Syntactic Analyses 81: The Republic, (Plato)
Syntactic Analyses 82: On Liberty, (John Stuart Mill)
Syntactic Analyses 83: The Panopticon, (Jeremy Bentham)
Syntactic Analyses 84: Principles of Human Knowledge, (George Berkeley)
Syntactic Analyses 85: Essays, or Councels, Civil and Moral, (Francis Bacon)
Syntactic Analyses 86: Freedom’s Battle, (Mahatma Gandhi)
Syntactic Analyses 87: Beyond Good and Evil, (Friedrich Nietzsche)
Syntactic Analyses 88: The Origin of Species, (Charles Darwin)
Syntactic Analyses 89: The Protestant Ethic, (Max Weber)
Syntactic Analyses 90: Creative Evolution, (Henri Bergson)
Syntactic Analyses 91: Considerations of Representative Government, (John Stuart Mill)
Syntactic Analyses 92: The Philosophy of Misery, (P. J. Proudhon)
Syntactic Analyses 93: Discourse on Method, (René Descartes)
Syntactic Analyses 94: An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, (David Hume)
Syntactic Analyses 95: The Critique of Judgement, (Immanuel Kant)
Syntactic Analyses 96: Culture and Anarchy, (Matthew Arnold)
Syntactic Analyses 97: Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, (Karl Marx)
Syntactic Analyses 98: The Areopagitica, (John Milton)
Syntactic Analyses 99: Of the Nature of Things, (Lucretius)
Syntactic Analyses 100: The Leviathan (Thomas Hobbes)

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